#1- Anyone know how I can make my profile page look a little cooler? Or is it the blog page? I don't even know. I just know I want cool stuff on there. I suppose a picture of myself would be a good start. Too bad I don't have ANY. Well, not ones where I am alone. All of them seem to have this tall, gangly kid in them!! :-)
#2- I think I may have "checked out". This time in every semester, I hear professors warn students not to "check out" because there are still assignments and projects and finals left. I'm not sure where exactly I've checked out from. Is it some hotel where people do nothing but study? I've never gotten it. I've also never understood why people could "check out" at all. Every semester, I think to myself, "How could I just stop trying now?! There is the final to worry about!" I never let myself really relax until all my finals are finished. But this semester, I am really just ready to stop trying. Maybe it is because Thanksgiving break was two weeks before finals week. I'm not sure. But I know that finals seem like some distant horror for some other sad person to have to endure. Surely I won't have to deal with those terrible things. And my stats project? Meh, I'll finish it later. This is very unlike me. And I realize that this is not at all good for my grades. I definitely care about keeping my 4.0 intact. But none of these things are working to shake me from my slow, tired, lazy stupor. It doesn't help that I have had a constant headache for two days. It gives me an excuse to procrastinate on things. I think I need to check back in. I guess I should find this Hotel de Homework and throw a room for another two weeks on the debit card. Maybe it won't be as bad as I think. After all, the last hotel room I stayed in was lovely. Best bed I've ever slept on.
#3- Colin. I'm really extremely lucky to have him around. He truly keeps me sane. And he is definitely my best friend. I have a lot of friends, sure, but most are long-distance and very busy. We don't always do a good job of keeping in touch. But Colin is always there to listen, offer advice, be on my side, cheer me up, believe in me, or whatever else I might need. I'm not sure how he deals with me and my occasional, slight bouts of insanity. But he does. And I think that is pretty great.
#4- Another thing that keeps me sane, though not nearly to the degree that Colin does, is my iTunes playlist. Its great. Every Glee song, all my favorite Bruce songs, along with some good holiday songs.. Kristin Chenoweth! Idina Menzel! Hello? Its fantastic.
#5- Married people. This is extremely random, I know. But, I was thinking today. I think I know more married or engaged people that non-married or non-engaged people. I find this really weird. I mean, if you are married or engaged, then, awesome! I think its great! I think it just seems weird to me because married people are old, obviously. And these married people are my age! That makes me... old. Wow. I am just not in high school anymore. And not a kid. And this whole realization is weird for me. Makes me feel mature. Like, if I wanted, I could get married! I just think it is crazy. Now, disclaimer, since Colin will obviously read this. I am not wanting to get married. I am not going to circle rings in some jewelry ad and slip them in his coat pocket, car, etc. or book the reception hall and pick out the dress before getting engaged (like someone I know did last year). I am just saying that it is pretty incredible to me that I could get married. That I am able. Us kids grow up so fast...
All right. This has been Katey's extremely random pou pou platter of thoughts. Sorry I'm so horrible at updating this blog. But I am guessing that neither of my whole two readers is checking the blog every day and crying when I haven't posted. If you are, well, I really apologize. I'll do better in the future.
I wonder how Julie got so many readers. Should I cook all of Julia Child's recipes in one year, too?